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Jiangsu Shenyuan Group Co, Ltd Enterprise technology center was established in 2002. In 2013, it established the provincial engineering technology research center" Jiangsu province(Shenyuan) special alloy material engineering technology research center. In 2015, it was recognized as the provincial 


al enterprise technology center. Based on the construction of the above two platforms, center main task is to carry out valve steel, welding material, stainless steel, heat resistant steel and higi tmperature alloy, advanced metal materials research, to the request of industry development, to undertake and complete the group and its enterprise product development, material physical and chemieal inspection, quality improvement technology, intellectual property management, science and technology project reporting tasks, such as product competitiveness for the enterprise and the construction of innovation system, provides important technical support.

The technical center has a high level and high quality technical team with 75 employees, including 2 nior engineers (professorlevel senior engineers), 3 associate senior engineers, 15 engineers, 9 people with masters degree or above, all people have a college degree or above. The center plements the director responsibility system under the leadership of the board of directors of the group, and has four functional departments of product r&d department, technology department,

ality department and testing center under its jurisdiction, and has set up an expert technical Technology center with china metal institute, northeast university, Beijing university of science and technology, Shanghai university, Shanghai material institute, Jiangsu university, Jiangsu university of science and technology and other colleges and universities and research institutes set up extensive cooperation and exchanges, and successively with the Shanghai university, Jiangsu university of science and technology, signed a cooperative relationship, the center has a"graduate workstation in Jiangsu province", "Dr Innovation practice base in Jiangsu province", is"Shenyuan Group Shanghai university special alloy materials production, engineering technology research center", "Shenyuan Group. Shanghai university Xinghua special institutes of stainless steel production, engineering technology research center"of the supporting institution.

In the future, the technology center will be committed to the research and development of high end etal materials and the continuous construction of the innovation team, adhere to the enterprise "fine, professional" development path, through the introduction of talent, technology innovation, do fine, do well, promote Shenyuan Group to be a world first class valve steel and special stainless steel R&D and manufacturing enterprise.

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                          Melting Production Line                                                                  Enterprise Technology Center